
Showing posts from February, 2012

Be Strong and Courageous

I can't believe that the temperature is supposed to be nearly 70 degrees today. This is the month of February, after all, and we are supposed to be dealing with sleet, snow, and bitter cold, not balmy weather. All of our students' prayers for a snow day have come to naught, but they have had two days off this week, one thanks to Presidents Washington and Lincoln and the other thanks to parent teacher conferences. The dearth of snow days hasn't harmed us one bit. We are all relatively healthy in body, mind, and spirit, and we aren't playing catch-up for missed classes and scrambling to re-schedule basketball games and field trips. Greater Grace Christian Academy is chugging right along like a train steadily making its way down the tracks toward June and the final days of the school year. We have much to accomplish between now and June 4th. Besides completing our academic courses and finishing sports seasons, we have concerts, a high school banquet, a spring fundraiser, s...

Ye Must Be Born Again

I downloaded a song this weekend called "The One You Want" by the Christian artist, Todd Agnew. I've listened to it a couple of times, and the lyrics have really spoken to me, because they expresses some of the thoughts I have had at times as a believer. The beginning of the chorus says, "It's hard for me to believe that I could be lovely in Your eyes, that I'm really the one You want." It amazes me time and again to be reminded that I have been made acceptable in God's eyes, and that the blood He shed for me on Golgotha's hill has blotted out all my sins, and that God sees me as perfect in Jesus, His Son. Sometimes I forget that maybe not everyone reading this blog I write is a born again believer in Jesus Christ. From time to time, parents inquire about the possibility of putting their children in Greater Grace Christian Academy, and they hope we have a open seat in one of our classes, because we have a caring, safe, academic environment an...

Decisions, Decisions

I cannot believe that an entire month has passed by without my writing a blog entry. Such neglect on my part! I apologize to any of you who have been waiting for a new post. Today I will make amends by writing about something dear to my heart - our GGCA students First and foremost, understand that each GGCA student is an inestimable treasure, most certainly in your eyes, but also in ours, and we thank you for entrusting your treasure with our school. It is like you have entrusted us with your treasure and we are the stewards working to produce a return on your investment by investing in each child ourselves. We aren't going to be like the steward in the parable who wrapped the talent entrusted to him in a napkin and buried it. No. We are going to do our best with all we have to work in partnership with you to help bring you child to his or her full potential. Of course, the difference between a financial investment and a human investment is that the human investment has a ...