Trick or Treat?
In light of the fact that today is Halloween, I thought I'd spend a few moments writing about the Common Core standards that have been adopted by many states. Some people think they are an awesome treat, but others think they are a horrible trick being played on the young people of our country. The idea behind having a set of common standards among the states so that all students being educated in our country are meeting the same minimal standards in various subject areas is a good idea. Standards are good things. A standard sets a goal to attain, a target to hit, an objective to meet. We all take on tasks with a desired outcome in mind, and do our best to achieve what we hope for. Standards in education are nothing new, but the common core is a new attempt to standardize the standards of the fifty states so that there is not so much variation from state to state. The Common Core standards were not enacted by the federal government, but by state governments. There is much ...