Sometimes It Feels Like a Dream
I have been thinking about when I should write another blog entry. Should I do it while I am still officially the principal of Greater Grace Christian Academy? Should I do it when I am a missionary in Korea? Or should I do it during the two week in-between time when I am neither principal nor missionary? Well, I am writing now while I am still the principal, and this may be my last blog entry in this position. It is Thursday afternoon during GGWO International Convention week, and I am in my office alone while many others are watching a World Cup match between Team USA and Team Germany down at the other end of the plaza in one of the MVC&S classrooms. I can hear the voices of the vacation Bible school teachers down the hall where they are enjoying their respite from the little children they have been ministering to this week. They sound a bit giddy, the giddiness the byproduct of tiredness, and they are becoming more like the children they work with than the adults they are. It hap...