God is So Good!

"God is so good. God is so good. God is so good. He's so good to me." We have been singing this chorus this week in many places, and it is my testimony. We learned in Survey of Doctrine class that God is omnibenevolent. Just like he is all-powerful and all-knowing, God is all-good. If it's good, it's God. Jesus said that there is none good, but God, and He would know, right? In my last blog entry, I mentioned that the young people would be singing in church on Sunday morning. They sang well, and I was proud of them. Youngjae prayed and played the drums, Dongsu and William sang, Bella did a wonderful job playing piano, and Jooah prepared the worship slides and led the singing. I enjoyed working with them to plan their song service. We met after church during the youth time and discussed how we can get more out of the messages, and this coming Sunday we are going to listen to the message for one special word from God for us to share with the group or ask one ques...