Aren't They Beautiful?

I have arrived in America. This picture was taken Thursday at Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. The famous Portland Headlight lighthouse is in the background of the photo below. What a beautiful day that was weather wise and company wise. You see, after snapping this picture, I drove to South Portland to visit my grandmother, Ella Manzo, better known to me as Grammy Manzo. Gram is 96 years old and she still lives in the same house where she has lived for over fifty years. When I arrived at here house, she was in the middle of her morning devotions in her rocking chair in the living room. She gave me a big hug and a kiss, and we settled in to talk about what has been going on in our lives since last July. I got to tell her how much I appreciate her daily prayers and her financial support. I know that her prayers move heaven on my behalf, and I told her that maybe the only reason she's still here and not in heaven with her husband, my grandfather, Pappy...