Days of Fog and Fruit

What can I say? It has been too long since my last blog entry. Much has happened in the past month, and that is partly the reason for the delay in my writing. I will attempt to tell about the past month without writing something that will take you a month to read. Our church family members, some of whom you can see above, celebrated birthdays, first for the months of September and October... ...and about a month later, for the months of November and December. At the end of October, many church members went hiking on a nearby mountain after church. I used the oven in my house for the first time and baked a blueberry-raspberry crisp. The weather grew colder and we had our first frost. I continued teaching Bible college classes. And then word came from our landlord that everything in our house had to be packed up and Pastor Sejun and I would have to move out while he repaired the leaky, inefficient ondol floor heating system. Pasto...