Taco Salad Friday

I decided to title today's blog "Taco Salad Friday" because that is what I have on my mind and I thought it sounded sort of interesting. I have been looking forward to eating the Fellowship Hall's taco salad all week. It is reaaaaaaaallllly good! I bought my meal card on Monday and I have just one more unpunched space on my card that I have been saving expressly for the purpose of getting a taco salad. I also have my free drink space to use up, so I hope they have root beer today too.

It is fun to make plans and to have something to look forward to. It is not so fun when plans fall through and wishes go unfulfilled. Sad to say, but this happens more than I would like. I can plan, plan, plan, hope, hope, hope, wish, wish, wish all I want, but there's always a pretty good chance that things won't come out the way I'd like them to. ((Sigh.))

Life is uncertain. We make plans to go on a vacation only to wake up the day of the trip with the flu and have to stay home in bed. We plan to buy a new couch, but then the car breaks down and we have to spend the money we had saved to get the car fixed. We plan to hang out with a friend, but the friend forgets and never shows up at the coffee shop where we were going to meet. It seems like we can't count on other people, things, or even ourselves.

The only thing I have learned that I can count on is the faithfulness of God. I was looking through a concordance this morning for the NIV translation of the Bible, and I saw that the word "unfailing" appeared over and over in scripture only in reference to God - to his unfailing love and his unfailing kindness. God's love never fails and God never fails to love us. God's love is perfect and his ways are perfect and his plan is perfect no matter how it seems to me in a moment of time.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." (Proverbs 19:21)

When my plans fall through, I may be disappointed, but God's purpose prevails. I may walk around like mopey dope, my face looking like a little storm cloud, but God's plans are proceeding to their ultimate goal. If I put my faith and trust in anything but Him, I am certain to be let down, because I can't count on anyone or anything but the God who loves me. I can count on God to love me, to be kind to me, to treat me as a dear child and discipline me when necessary, to supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus, to be faithful to every promise He has made to me, to never leave me nor forsake me... the list goes on and on.

So, I may or may not get my taco salad today. In the grand plan of God, that detail has already been accounted for and woven into the tapestry of His plan for my life. I can't count on sour cream and salsa, but I can be certain that God will be at work conforming me to the image of his dear Son, even if I momentarily become sullen and morose. I thank God that his plan is based on his faithfulness and not dependent upon mine. God is good!


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