It's Twenty-Ten Already!

2010. Two thousand ten. Twenty-ten. Here we are at the beginning of a brand new decade. I have been alive for part of the 60s, all of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, and now I am starting the 10s! My grandparents were born in the last century during the 10s, and two of them are still alive and hoping the Lord Jesus returns soon to take them away in the Rapture of the saints. I'd like that too.

We have three weeks before the second quarter of school ends here at GGCA. I hope that the students are doing their level best to stay on top of their schoolwork and are applying themselves to learning. Last night in church, Pastor Scibelli spoke about how our school is one where we honor and teach The Book (a.k.a The Bible), because with all the knowledge we are learning, we need divine wisdom. Boy, do we ever need divine wisdom! I speak as a guy who is desperate for divine wisdom in his job, in his relationships, in his finances, in all of his decisions. Without divine wisdom, I blunder from one bad decision to another and stray from God and truth. I know that God is always with me and never, no never, ever leaves me or forsakes me, but am I always with Him? That's the question! Am I taking advantage of God's divine wisdom to make decisions that keep me with God, walking along the same pathway in the same direction, agreeing with Him? Or am I wandering off on my own misguided, crooked trail into the wilderness where I leave myself susceptible to all the dangers there?

Here it is, 2010 already, and I have been alive 48 years, three months, and about one week now. I am blessed to have been raised in a Christian home by godly parents and to have been part of this church and school for thirty-five years. My prayer for this next decade, this next year, this next month, this next moment is that God will be my source of wisdom and guidance and that He will keep me walking by His side as He has kept my grandparents and my parents for all the decades they have been alive. I pray that our school will continue to be a place where students can learn divine wisdom from The Book and follow God for the rest of their lives.

Happy New Year!


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