I Have a Dream School

I remember hearing a recording of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech for the first time and being swept up in the powerful poetry of his words and being able to envision what he spoke about. Well, I am no Dr. King, but I, too, have a dream, a dream for our school, and I am going to try to write it here for all to read. 

In my dream school, there would be a pastor on the staff of GGCA whose job would be to teach Bible throughout the day and serve as a counselor.

In my dream school, the elementary classrooms would all be as large as the kindergarten classroom and each class would be equipped with its own well-stocked library and the best furniture and technology to make the learning environment both comfortable and adaptable for students' and teachers' needs.

In my dream school, there would be beautiful art, music, and band classrooms and a magnificent library overseen by a kindly librarian where teachers could bring their entire class for lessons; maybe I would be that librarian in my dotage.

In my dream school, there would be more green spaces to play and relax and fields for soccer and baseball.

In my dream school, there would be not only a computer lab used for teaching computer, but other labs where teachers could bring their students to work on computer-related assignments.

In my dream school, there would be more staff who could devote time to helping new teachers develop their skills and both literacy and mathematics specialists.

In my dream school, students would develop independent learning skills, take responsibility for their learning, and glorify God in their pursuit of excellence.

In my dream school, there would be someone who would help the students perform plays, there would be concerts, creative writing publications, and student fine art adorning the walls.

In my dream school, students would take responsibility for having morning prayer times and lead worship in chapel times.

In my dream school, there would be a cafeteria and a student lounge and corridors connecting all the buildings so nobody would have to walk outside to get to the office.

In my dream school, there would be scholarship money for all deserving, needy students who should be here at GGCA.

Okay... enough dreaming for today. Time to do some work and try to bring some of these dreams closer to reality. And pray.


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