Just Dust

How is it that despite everything I have not done as well as I could have, students still manage to turn out alright in the end? I suppose this is what parents think about their children from time to time. I cannot speak from personal experience about that, but I do know that as an educator, I discover that there have been things that I have been doing for years in the classroom which have not been the best practices of a master teacher; and I realize my shortcomings and areas where I could certainly stand to improve and grow and think, "Lord, how is it that I have managed to survive this long as an educator when there have been so many things I just did not know?" I figure that by the time I retire, I will know almost everything I need to know to be a great teacher, but by then I will no longer be teaching. I wonder if my parents ever thought that about themselves? Have they ever thought, "Now that I have finally figured out how to be an effective parent, my last child is flying the coop" ? It is the grace and the mercy of God and the perfection of His plan that makes everything work out despite my ignorance and inexperience. He is in charge, He is in control, He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent One who not only makes up for all I lack, but gives me what little I have to make any sort of impact on another person's life.

I thank God for being God and for knowing that I am just dust and using me anyway.


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