
I looked up the meaning of the word champion in the Webster's 1828 dictionary just now and I was happy to see it mean what I thought it would: A man who undertakes a combat in the place or cause of another (championess being the female equivalent). In the Old Testament, David was the champion of the Israelites that was sent out to combat the Philistine champion, Goliath. 

Over the last two weeks, GGCA has sent out some champions and championesses to contest some basketball games against opponents from other schools. The young men won league and state title victories and they are to be commended along with their coaches for these accomplishments. The young ladies did not fare as well, but they represented our school with grace and dignity and have nothing to be ashamed of. 

I think that there is a Finished Work perspective that we can derive from the old meaning of the word champion. Our student athletes are already champions the moment they put on their uniforms, because they are undertaking a combat or competition on behalf of all the rest of us here at the school. They don't have to come in first place to be champions (which is the modern denotation of the word) - they just have to take up the challenge on our behalf and go out and do their best, trusting God for the outcome. Sometimes (like last Saturday), we may look like David taking on Goliath before the game begins, but as "more than conquerors" we end up battling back from adversity and coming out on top. We thank God for when he blesses us with the first place finishes, but we are not diminished by a loss, because we were champions no matter what the outcome.

Thank you to everyone who made this season great - the athletes and coaches, the moms and dads, the teachers, the fans, and the bus drivers - all the ones who supported our young men and women who made us proud.


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