He Is Risen

It is a little after six o'clock this Easter morning. My shades are drawn, so I cannot see what kind of day it is going to be weather-wise, but already my heart is filled with expectation for a beautiful day. I just finished reading a newsletter sent to me by my friend, Tain Palanun, former GGCA teacher now living in Seoul, Korea and teaching in a Christian school there. The newsletter was filled with beautiful testimonies written by the students he took to Thailand with him and members of the Korean church for a conference and times of evangelism. Something about reading the students' first-time experiences winning souls both thrilled and broke my heart; they were discovering how to share their faith with total strangers, giving out tracts, sharing in song, and ministering through drama.

For me, it is the day after the Easter play here in Baltimore has ended. After a month's worth of concentrated effort, my life will begin to return to it's normal routine. I won't be spending my evenings coaching actors where to stand and how to deliver their lines. I won't have to dress head to toe in black and make sure actors make their entrances or sing on time or cue drums when to begin and end their dramatic rhythms. It will be nice to be able to go home at the end of a school day and not have to turn around for another rehearsal that runs late into the evening. But I will surely miss the 
camaraderie of working with an incredible group of believers dedicated to proclaiming the gospel through a play.

I really enjoyed writing the Lucius/Peter story line this year, and I was amazed each time I heard the dialogue in the final scene where Peter passionately expresses the heart of God to the centurion, Lucius, smashing through his shame, guilt, and fear with the truth of the Glorious Gospel. I don't think we shall ever grow tired of hearing that God loves us, that He has forgiven us, and that His grace, so powerful and sweet, is bestowed upon us despite and because of the fact that none of us deserves one iota of God's favor. (I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I write this.) I think we captured the relentlessness of God's great love for sinners in that scene, and I am so glad that even this fictional character believed and received Christ as his savior, because the alternative would have been such a great tragedy.
It was a both a privilege and a blessing to work alongside GGCA students, past and present, on this production. I love the way that our school works hand-in-hand with our church. Our vision in one. We are one body of believers and unity is sweet. I look forward to these last few weeks of school, the pomp and circumstance, the end of year activities that bring closure and celebrate the treasures we have in our school. Tomorrow night I teach my last Bible college class of this semester and then dash off to attend our high school banquet. Tuesday night is when the reality that the play is over will hit me. Praise God for the fragrance of memories.


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