Celebrating Excellence and Effort

What a day!

I just finished eating some pasta for my dinner and my tummy is happy for now. Before eating, I mowed my lawn, an activity that I decided had to be done today, since rain is forecast for the foreseeable future and my brother Tim is coming in to town for a visit. You may be wondering, "What does Tim have to do with mowing the lawn?" Well, Tim is one of those guys who is really handy, in my opinion, and I felt that I ought to mow my lawn in case he saw it during his visit. I was afraid he would look at its wildness and feel compelled to go mow it himself. That's the kind of guy he is. He is handy and helpful. I wish I were more like him. If I were, there would be stain or paint on my steps, there would be hostas planted along the perimeter of my patio, black eyed Susans and echinacea would be bedded down out front, and my siding would have been power washed long ago. He likes projects and being outdoors and I admire his gumption; he gets things done and does them well.

Along those lines, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed today's high school awards assembly. Coaches gave out athletic awards for the year and teachers gave out academic awards. It is good for all of us to see our young men and women be recognized for the things they have done and done well. When the efforts of people are celebrated - and we were celebrating with applause and laughter and hugs and high-fives - it is a corporate blessing. I was proud of our students and of our coaches and teachers. My hope is that people will aspire to try harder, to strive to be their very best in what they do. If God gives you a gift, you ought to develop it and use it for his glory.

Graduation is coming up. This Saturday we will be honoring our eight graduating seniors. As of this writing, the outcome of who will be class valedictorian is up in the air, too close to call. There are three young men who have worked hard all four years of high school. We will be celebrating these eight lives and their accomplishments Saturday. Woo-hoo! I pray that God calls these souls into his service and to Bible college training in His time.

Okay. Time to go work on finishing "A Tale of Two Castles" by Gail Carson Levine. It's a great mystery disguised as a sort of fairy tale. It will end up in one of our classroom libraries when I finish. God bless you, Reader!


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