Midsummer Missive

This summer has been hot - way too hot for a boy raised in a state where swimming pools and air conditioners are luxuries, and that state is Maine. I can remember the first car my parents bought that had air conditioning. I don't think they even wanted that option, but the car came with it. It was a source of awe and excitement for us kids who had always relied upon nature's air conditioning, a.k.a. the rolled down windows, for a breeze when riding in the car. A ninety degree day was a rarity which merited some time jumping through the sprinkler on the lawn or, if we were so fortunate, a trip to the beach for a dip in the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

I took a two week summer vacation to Maine and three of the Atlantic provinces of Canada in early July. The weather was cooler than it was here in Baltimore and the places we visited had much smaller towns with less people, less traffic, and less hectic lifestyles. It was a pleasant change from the hustle and bustle and heat of Baltimore, and I got to spend quality time with my parents and eat some delicious food. I am going to try and include a photo from one of my annual pilgrimages, which is to a baked bean supper at a church in Pownal, Maine. If all goes well, you will see me in my glory about to devour a slice of homemade pie.

My nephew, Cameron Dunbar, is seated on my right. He is a senior at Ohio University and he plans to graduate this year with a degree in journalism. Keep him in your prayers, if you will.

We are gearing up for school here in the GGCA office, but we are only in first gear for now, which is nice when you aren't in a rush to get somewhere. I have had time to do some reading for school and personal edification and here are three books I am recommending: Tools for Teaching by Fred Jones (great for teachers and administrators who want to learn more about classroom management and teaching); The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel (read it for your personal edification as a believer and share it with a teenager); The Prospering by Elizabeth George Speare (an adult novel by the two-time Newbery Award winner which is about the settlement of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It features a missionary to the Mahican Indians and I think Jonathan Edwards appears as a character later in the book. Great historical fiction, but a hard to find book.)

Okay, it is time to go back to school work, but I am going to put in a picture of me and my beautiful mother taken in New Brunswick, Canada at the Hopewell Rocks where the highest and lowest tides on earth can be seen. It is low tide in the photo, or we'd be immersed in water.

Hey! That's the checkered shirt I am wearing right now! Good memories. Pray for GGCA and have a great summer. Love from the principal...


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