Meet Mrs. Savonen

Well, it's Monday again, so it must be time to meet another member of the GGCA staff. Today I thought it would be nice to introduce you to Mrs. Holly Savonen, GGCA's third grade teacher. Mrs. Savonen looks much nicer than the picture here which I took when I caught her after after being outside on a rainy day. Still, she was a good sport and smiled for my camera. That's Mrs. Savonen for you. 

Mrs. Savonen reminds me of the two masks that you see symbolizing the dramatic arts, the one with the laughing face of comedy and the other with the weeping face of tragedy. She laughs and cries easily because she has a great heart and she relishes life. She is the first to laugh herself and she weeps like a mother for her child, for she truly loves and cares for each of her students. 

I admire Mrs. Savonen's commitment to learning. She reads with her students in mind, always working to improve herself as a teacher. I think of the Apostle Paul who in Philippians 3 spoke of not having attained, but pressing on toward the mark. He must have been a great teacher, because a teacher has to be student, always learning, to be effective. Mrs. Savonen even claims at times to be turning into a third grade student! And I thought the student was supposed to become more like his teacher...


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