Leavin' On A Jet Plane

Tomorrow I am boarding a plane for Budapest, Hungary along with Pastor Brian and Paula Lange and Nathan McFarland. Together we will be providing professional development for the administrative and teaching staff of Greater Grace International School, something we have not done like this before. We are looking forward to our time with the incredible folk who minister in that school, and I hope that they anticipate our coming with eagerness and not dread. Our goal is to share whatever we have to offer that encourages and empowers them in their school mission.

GGCA and GGIS have a special relationship. We communicate regularly now that the Internet makes audio and visual connections inexpensive and accessible. We have had teachers and graduates from GGCA got to work in GGIS and vice versa. This year, Krista Reagan will be joining the GGCA elementary school team after teaching for several years in Budapest. We are also planning to have a GGIS high school student join us here in Baltimore for a semester. It is a blessing to be working together in the field of Christian education with the schools in Budapest and Romania, and with the other schools across the globe that we remember in our prayers.

Please pray for traveling mercies to follow us wherever we go over the next eight days, and pray for all of the teachers in our schools and they prepare to return to work soon. Teaching is a demanding calling, and when the devil is opposing you in every way he can, you need people praying for your spiritual, physical, and emotional health, your finances, your family, your safety - you just need lots of prayer. Satan is unhappy that children are being exposed to Christians who love with God's heart and being taught to think and believe with God's mind.

Pray that I get all the stuff into my suitcase that I have been asked to bring with me and that I am not living in jet lag haze for the next two weeks! 

School is just a little over four weeks away. WOW.


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