December? Already?




But it is going to be in the high 60s today...


I am sitting in my new office pondering. "Where did the time go? How is it that a month has passed since my last blog entry? Is it possible that we are having a kindergarten open house tonight for parents who would like their children in GGCA next year at this time?"

When I was a boy, the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas were like the biblical "day as a thousand years," and filled with anticipation, excitement, and energy enough to light up a city block's worth of Christmas lights. Now the days are too short, and by the end of the day I feel like maybe I could light a votive candle.

Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Comforter is also the Quickener and He enables me to do what needs to be done and to find joy in it. He is always there to listen to the concerns of my heart and to provide a place of rest and peace in the midst of the myriad details of school life. I may be small and weak, but he is God Almighty and my breath is in His hand.

As a school, we had much to be thankful for this past Thanksgiving.Our enrollment is up again this year and growth appears to be healthy and steady. We have awesome families behind the students in our school and an incredibly supportive church behind us too. The staff is heaven sent; they are God's divine appointments for this hour in our school's history. 

Looking ahead to Christmas, there will be nursing home caroling outreaches, a wonderful, Spirit-filled Christmas musical on the 19th, and many of our older students will be going to New York City to sing and share the Good News of the Gospel with our youth ministry. Christmas is such a great opportunity to reach the lost, and GGCA is out there taking advantage of the opportunity.

So, YES! It is DECEMBER! ALREADY! Time flows ever onward and we are moments closer to Eternity. The true Spirit of the season is alive and well at GGCA and quickening our mortal bodies and cheering our souls and spirits. Joy to the world! God rest ye merry gentlemen (and women)! Glory in the highest! We have a school that not only teaches academics, but also reaches out to our Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. We have the life of the mind and the life of the Spirit.

I love our school.


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