Full, Complete, Surrounded

I am so thankful for the people who work here in the school. The office staff, the teachers, the helpers here on site and all the campus personnel who support the work we do here... a principal cannot get anything done unless he or she is surrounded by capable, conscientious people who share the vision for the school, who pour themselves into executing the mission of the school. John Donne said that no man is an island, and as independent as I can be, I realize that I need God and His people every moment of every school day if anything of eternal value is to be accomplished. My life would be so small without the Body of Christ, without Christ as my Head. We used to sing a song with the lyrics, "We're complete! Complete! Complete in Him! We are complete in Him!" Days like today make me realize how incomplete I am without Him. Christ is the one "that filleth all in all." To be full, to be complete, to be surrounded by a great ocean of love and yet not be an isolated island... this is what we need as human beings, and this is what is available here at Greater Grace Christian Academy if anyone wants it. Oftentimes, students don't realize this until after they have left our school. It is my hope that students discover the majesty and mystery of Christ while they are still with us, because it makes school that much more awesome a place to be.


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