How Great Is Our God

When I was searching for a song for us to use in our church Easter play, Dead or Alive, I came across this video by chance. Easter Sunday, I played this video as I was preparing for the morning church service, and it brought tears to my eyes and an ache in my heart as it dawned on me how our great God loves the people of our planet so very, very much. I want that same love, that same heart, inside me as I go to school each day and as I go to Korea this summer. I think a little of that heart is in me already, because I felt that love and shed tears when I had to leave Korea last summer after my visit there.I'm sure that I will have more than a few salty streams running down my cheeks when I leave GGCA at the end of June. Watch the video and look at all the people represented from around the world and think about how great our God is who died for each and every one to give them life eternal.


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