Realization of the Blessing

GGCA's annual high school banquet took place last Thursday evening at the Padonia Park Club in Cockeysville, Maryland. The weather didn't turn rainy until we were all arrived and inside dining and socializing, snapping photos of ourselves and our friends dressed in spiffy suits and ties or chic dresses and heels. My years as a host in a four star restaurant in the Berkshires kept me from sitting too long at my table, because I was concerned that the guests were enjoying themselves and that the evening's festivities would run smoothly despite the inclement weather that confined us to the banquet room, its covered balcony, and the covered entryway.

Earlier in the day, I had had a muscle tension headache, and had considered finding someone else to take my place. I have never been a fan of banquets and other large social occasions in a guest capacity. I am more comfortable working such events than attending them. But I had the dessert in the trunk of my car - six cakes - and it was to be my last banquet as principal of GGCA, so I went. I wore blue jeans with a shirt and tie, blazer and dress shoes, on a dare by Mrs. Lange. Maybe that helped me relax a bit.

Pastor Phillipe and his wife, Francoise, sat at our table along with Pastor and Mrs. Lange along with four Bible college students, and they were affable dinner companions. The students seemed to enjoy themselves and looked great. We were fed from the Word by Pastor Philipe and we played some games and danced a couple of line dances. It was a pleasant evening all in all.

What struck me as I drove home that night was how different this banquet was from the first one I presided over as principal. That first one was nearly my last one, because I did not like the spirit of it. By contrast, the spirit at this and last year's banquets was peaceful and relaxed.

Our God is a transformational God. Although it can occur in an instant, transformation is usually gradual, and the culture change in our school has been a gradual one. We are becoming a Christian school in the truest sense, enjoying being Christians and growing in grace, little by little, day by day. Yes, there is still spiritual warfare all around us, but we are hidden in the Victor who has already fought and won, and we are coming to know Him and resting in the work He finished at Calvary.

I'm glad I did not miss this banquet and the realization of the blessing that God has been brought about in all our lives. This Thursday we will have a school prayer meeting for all who can attend. I am expecting even greater blessings to come out of that season prayer.


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