
Showing posts from June, 2015

Partakers of the Inheritance (Colossians 1:12)

Here I am on a Wednesday afternoon in Scarborough, Maine, sitting in a comfy leather chair writing about what has gone on since my last blog entry. A breeze is wafting in from the window beside me and I can hear the sounds of the evening traffic whizzing by on the Payne Road. I have finished reading two books today and have begun a third. My stomach is contentedly digesting another of my mother's home cooked meals - today's was bean pot stew with rice and green beans with blondies for dessert. Many of my Korean friends have asked me, "What is your favorite American food?" My answer has always been, "Whatever my mother cooked for me," and that is true. It has been a blessing to eat my mother's cooking while I am here. In a couple of hours, my parents and I will be attending the Wednesday evening service at the Grace Bible Church of Gorham, Maine, where Pastor White still faithfully ministers to the folks who live in this part of the state. I was there...