Partakers of the Inheritance (Colossians 1:12)

Here I am on a Wednesday afternoon in Scarborough, Maine, sitting in a comfy leather chair writing about what has gone on since my last blog entry. A breeze is wafting in from the window beside me and I can hear the sounds of the evening traffic whizzing by on the Payne Road. I have finished reading two books today and have begun a third.

My stomach is contentedly digesting another of my mother's home cooked meals - today's was bean pot stew with rice and green beans with blondies for dessert. Many of my Korean friends have asked me, "What is your favorite American food?" My answer has always been, "Whatever my mother cooked for me," and that is true. It has been a blessing to eat my mother's cooking while I am here.

In a couple of hours, my parents and I will be attending the Wednesday evening service at the Grace Bible Church of Gorham, Maine, where Pastor White still faithfully ministers to the folks who live in this part of the state. I was there two weeks ago after I arrived, but I have missed a few services since then because I went to Baltimore, Maryland for eight days.
While I was in Baltimore, I sang with the worship team on two Sunday mornings, spoke a brief message about how God breathes on us to inspire people like me to do things, like to be an overseas missionary, and went to school at Greater Grace Christian Academy to spend time with the staff and students.

What a ministry it was to me to return to the classrooms and read aloud to the sixth and seventh graders, and to answer questions in the elementary school classrooms about Korea and my life there.

What fun I had bringing Gary back to meet Billie Jean in the Friday afternoon chapel and to smash Gary's face into a chocolate cream pie and faint.

What a joy it was to behold the students put on their spring musical filled with songs and dances and funny dialogue and a meaningful message about humility.

I so loved being with the teachers and laughing together at the end of a week of school. I am excited for them to be finished with school for another year and to see what God is doing in their midst with Pastor Barry Quirk at the helm with Nate McFarland and, soon, Angela Delaware working together with all the amazing teachers as a team.

I was blessed by the Janssen family who fed me dinner at their home one evening and let me use my old car for a couple of days. God has his hand on them in a special way.

Spending time with my brother Doug, his wife Michelle, and my nephews Noah and Colby in their home was a wonderful provision for me. It is good to spend time with my family.

My friend Suzi Monti treated me to dinner at Chick Fil A the night of the musical. That is another food question I have been asked by some of my Korean friends: "What is your favorite fast food?" My answer is always, "Chick Fil A," and here is a picture of my meal for everyone who has asked.
Here are some pictures of the students performing in their musical. I was honored with a front row seat next to Pastor Scibelli who was watching his granddaughter, Anna Joy, who is the girls with the white shirt and red kerchief in the photo below.

The play was a spoof of singing talent shows like American Idol (or Superstar K in Korea) complete with celebrity judges
two bantering hosts (you can see them here with the muscular contestant)
and four finalists competing for the grand prize for being the top Christian singer. Two sang songs all about themselves that used the words "me" and "I" over and over again.

The third singer had spent more time working on his abs in the gym than on his singing, hoping his appearance would win over the judges.
 There were some commercial breaks that were funny.

And finally the fourth contestant came out and questioned the whole idea of a Christian singing competition that would bring the winner glory, but would not glorify God. She showed true humility and this led the other contestants to apologize for being so proud and self-centered. They encouraged her to sing her song even though she did not desire to compete any more.
As God would have it, Pastor Schaller had prepared a message of humilty that evening, so we were all hearing the Holy Spirit's heart for us all that evening.

After the show, I took this picture of Brandon Tanksley who had sprouted a mustache for the play. Cool, huh?
Sunday afternoon I flew back to Maine. My mother had been preparing a surprise for my sister, Beth.
Ducks. These belonged to my Grammy Dunbar for many years before she went home to be with Jesus, and they have been living in my parents' backyard ever since. Mom gave them all a fresh coat of paint, and we took these concrete waterfowl to my sister's house and put them in one of her front gardens. Sometimes it is the simple things that get handed down that mean so much. Who knows if these ducks have any monetary value? They could easily be part of some landfill somewhere, but these heavy old things mean something to our family (and to the Ben Tanguay family too), and I am glad they have a new home where I hope they will live for many years to come.

In the same way, our Christian faith has been handed down from my grandparents to my parents to my brothers and sister and me, and I hope to my niece and nephews. Knowing the God of Creation, the Savior of the world, is worth infinitely more than any material thing of sentimental or monetary value. It is the greatest inheritance we have to hand down to our loved ones.

Seeing Pastor Scibelli smiling from ear to ear as his granddaughter performed I knew that he was happy that the inheritance of our faith was being handed down to her through her Christian education in her home, her school, and her church. Spending time with families like the Janssens and the Dunbars who make sacrifices to have their children attend a Christian school makes me recognize again the value of our godly heritage and the importance of passing it down.

These past few days I have done a little shopping, buying things I need for another year in Korea. I am mostly investing in clothing, since Asian sizes and American sizes are quite different. We went to L.L.Bean in Freeport where Dad used to work and I took this picture of a sculpture in the parking lot.
We ate lunch in Portland at a restaurant named Slab served Sicilian cuisine. I ate a big slab of pizza.
Last night I went with my parents to see my nephew Austin play ultimate frisbee. 
Austin is the guy with the white shirt and the red and black shorts.
 It was a cool evening with low clouds, wind, a potential for a rain shower. Mom was bundled up but still cold.
Austin did well, making three scoring receptions while we were there. He posed for this picture with Dad before we left.
He's one of the people in my family that I hope has sees the value of and has received the godly inheritance that has come down through generations in our family. I pray for my niece and nephews often, knowing the importance of embracing Christ personally as one's Lord and Savior and how much we need Him from day to day.

Finally, I want to mention my aunts, Nancy and Patti, who have been reading my blog and have sent me some missionary support money. I don't see them often, but I appreciate their thoughts and prayers and know that they have a rich heritage in Christ that sustains them in their daily lives. One day, we will get together for a family reunion in heaven with those who have already gone home there ahead of us, and I'm hoping there will be lots of baked beans, spaghetti, and pie to feast on at our table.

Until the next entry... God bless you all.


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