God's Country

God's coun·try
  1. an area or region, especially a peaceful, rural one, supposedly favored by God.

Growing up in Maine, I often heard this expression used to describe the state where I lived. Having visited other states and other countries, I'd have to say that people in other parts of the world might call the places they live God's country too. It has been a great blessing for me to spend time here with my family and the brothers and sisters in Christ who support me with gifts of money and prayer. Today's blog entry chronicles some of my time here in pictures and words, especially for those of you who have never to Maine.
Grace Bible Church, Gorham, Maine
My father, Pastor Bruce Dunbar, leading singing at Wednesday night prayer meeting.
Pastor Bob White honored me by asking me to speak at Grace Bible Church one Sunday morning and again on a Wednesday night. 
Pastor Bob White and the Sunday morning worship team

The good folks of the Grace Bible Church...

...send their love to Grace Mission Church of Seoul, Korea.
I've also spoken to the beautiful older folks at 75 State Street where my dad ministers each month. They have been praying for me and sent me support money. 
Yes, Beverly is doing the V fingers just like my friends in Korea do!
Today, Pastor Peter Vreeland invited me to speak at his church in Pinhook, Maine which was once the Rumford, Maine church. A lot of us still think of it as the Rumford church. This little church has faithfully supported me in prayer and with finances each month. My mom and dad sang before I spoke.
That's the back of Pastor Vreeland's head. I wish I had taken a picture of the front, because he was very dapper looking today.
 A big THANK YOU for the door offering the Pinhook/Rumford folks gave me today. I appreciate the expression of love.

People have been telling me that I have many food pictures in my blog entries, and this one will be no exception.
Dad places the food order at Erica's Seafood in Harpswell, Maine
To the surprise and chagrin of people in many places, I don't like to eat most seafood, but I do enjoy shellfish, like mussels, clams, and abalone. We went to eat beside the ocean in Harpswell on a lovely day.

Fried clams, french fries, and cole slaw

Mom, Dad, and Grammy Manzo
On a trip to the Korean consulate in Boston one day, We stopped and ate lunch at Anju Noodle Bar in Kittery, Maine.

Ramen with pork, veggies, and a boiled egg

My mother is a work of art

Dessert at Stella's Sweet Cafe
A Maine tradition for our family is the Saturday night baked bean supper at the First Parish Congregational Church in Pownal, Maine.

Mom, Dad, and I went with Grammy Manzo to eat baked beans, spaghetti, pickles, pie, and to enjoy the company of other Mainers.
Pownal bean supper spaghetti

Grammy Manzo said she had no appetite before we went, but she at a LOT!

Baked kidney beans

Sweet pickles (there were pickled beets and mustard pickles too)
Blueberry pie
Chocolate cream pie

Lemon meringue pie

The best food, as I have always told my friends in Korea, is whatever my mother makes.
Buttermilk pancakes made from scratch

Mom's baked yellow eye beans and homemade shredded wheat rolls along with cottage cheese and a red hot dog (also know as a snapper)
God's people. Good food. Family. I am a blessed man. 

Speaking of family, I got to spend time with my sister, Beth and her son, Austin at his ultimate frisbee game Thursday night.
Mom and the hat I brought from Korea. Dad has the same one, only his is black. Couple hats!

My sister Beth and my nephew Christian both looking cool in their sunglasses

Beth poses with my sweaty nephew Austin who was the ultimate ultimate frisbee player that night
On Father's day, I got to eat steak grilled by my brother-in-law, Kevin Hancock.
The fathers pose with silly hats
Dad carries in the ribeye steak
Last Friday, we returned to Kittery to celebrate my nephew Cameron's birthday at the Loco Coco's Mexican restaurant and then went to Fort McClary to enjoy the view.
Kevin, Cameron, and Dad at Loco Coco's

My taco trio

Mom's nachos

Cameron, the loco birthday boy

Looking up from under
Dad and Cam at the fort
My time here in God's country is almost over. Soon, I will be on my way back to my brothers and sisters in Korea and other parts of Asia. God's country is there too, because it is the home of some of God's children whom I love. We are all sojourners and pilgrims and this world is not our home in one sense, since we are citizens of heaven. One day those of us who have trusted in Christ Jesus as our Savior will all gather around God's table for a heavenly family reunion. I hope that everyone who is reading this will be there, because the alternative is too horrible to imagine - eternal separation from the love of God and His children.

If you are reading this and you don't have a personal relationship with God through His son, Jesus Christ, I pray that you step and by faith and ask God to reveal Himself to you, and that you will believe and receive God's free gift of salvation. I want to see you someday in God's country...and I don't mean Maine.


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