Scattered Thoughts for a Hot Day

We've been getting a few calls from parents these past two days asking if we will be closing early due to the heat like the public schools are doing. We are happy to inform our parents that GGCA is as cool as a cucumber and that we will be having full days of school unless our air conditioning units break down - that would be an Act of God. Our students have cool classrooms to learn in, a cool gymnasium to play in, and cool cafeteria to eat in, and cool teachers and administrators watching over them. Our school is COOL.

Have you gotten any of those emails from supposed brothers and sisters overseas who want you to send them a little money so that they can transfer thousands or millions of dollars into your bank account for safekeeping? I have only read one of those letters in my lifetime, but I see the brief previews of them in my spam mailbox and am amused (when I am not annoyed) sometimes by the first few words I can see. "I am writing on my knees today..." "I write to you with tears in my eyes..." Somebody must be falling for this stuff for them to keep sending out these messages. Don't worry - I will not use my blog to make impassioned appeals for you to send me money so that I can have my millions being held hostage by the government released.

This last week I have heard from some people that they have been reading this blog, people who do not have children in Greater Grace Christian Academy and have no intention of putting children in this school. One reader is a friend who says she began reading it at work and, once she got started, read every entry. Another reader is a friend of the family who now lives in Missouri. He came with is wife, a former student of mine, and his son to attend the graduation of Pete Westera from Maryland Bible College and Seminary. I had the privilege of being in the classroom where the graduates had gathered before the graduation ceremony and hearing Pete give a testimony to the faithfulness of God to the faculty and his classmates. What he said resonated powerfully with me, because I have known Pete since he was a high school student back in Massachusetts, and I have been a witness to the work of God in his life over the years. Among other great statements he made, he said, "God's plan is pathetic," and clarified this by saying that God uses all of us, no matter how weak and foolish we are. 

I thank God that he uses the foolish, weak, and despised to confound the wise, the strong, and the great of this world. It means that I qualify to be used by God. Grace is so GOOD! By God's grace, I can write a little and God can use it a lot. I am hoping that God is raising up some writers in GGCA, people who can commit their thoughts and ideas to paper (tree-based and electronic too) for the education and edification of others. We are working on increasing the literacy of our students, asking them to read more in and out of school, and now we are going to ask our students to write more. This world needs more godly writers, and I want some to be GGCA students.

Okay. My time is up. I am shifting to the front desk now to take some calls about whether we will close early because of the heat...


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